1:33 Romeo et Juliette Grazing alpacas, calling peacocks and retired horses, plus people dancing, playing and singing, all chorally linked to form a strangely... Detail
2:11 Lohengrin – Lemberg "Lohengrin" - again with Matthias Engelmann and for the first time in Lviv, Ukraine. The theatre is magnificent, the city... Detail
02:20 I Capuleti e i Montecchi When I am in Verona I have to think of Lübeck. And of funny rehearsals. As a rule, I like... Detail
1:43 Halka "Halka" by Stanisław Moniuszko, Polish national composer. When Intendant Häberli asked me if I wanted to do the piece, I... Detail
Gegen die Wand The world premiere of Ludger Vollmer's opera based on the film by Fatih Akin took place at the Theater Bremen... Detail
1:33 Fidelio Fidelio in Gdansk in the year of great anniversaries: 250 years of Ludwig van Beethoven, 40 years of the Solidarność... Detail
Faust "The Knick" was the inspiration for Gounod's Faust, the American series about the inexhaustible and sometimes grotesque urge to explore... Detail
0:29 Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg The Mastersingers of Nuremberg" by Richard Wagner - the most demanding undertaking of my life in Poznan as a Polish... Detail
2:50 Aurora HE loses HER. The wedding is just celebrated, then the bond of love breaks, she was ill. HE remains behind,... Detail
2:59 Aida, Luxor 2019 One of the most absurd productions of my life. The concept was developed with Sebastian Ellrich in cooperation with the... Detail